Monday, January 21, 2019

AND THEN IT KILLS THEM: The Affordable Care Act turns patients into guinea pigs.

No surprise; that's the inevitable result of socialism, Democratic or otherwise.
LIBERTARIANS WERE RIGHT AFTER ALL: Individuals in the private sector really can handle a lot of tasks traditionally handled by the government.

And just as badly....
WHAT A SURPRISE: New York City's minimum wage increases; workers' take-home pay decreases.
A SWORD HAS TWO EDGES, AND TRUMP KNOWS HOW TO USE ONE: Giving Pelosi a taste of her own medicine.

It's past time for the Republican party to get off its high horse and join the battle....
THIS COULD GET REALLY, REALLY INTERESTING: Punch back twice, no thrice, as hard. I'm looking forward to lawsuits, lots of them, and apologies won't be sufficient recompense.
MAYBE HOME INVASIONS AREN'T SUCH A GOOD IDEA AFTER ALL: Homeowner shoots, kills 3 men and injuries 2 more during home invasion.
PJ MEDIA: BuzzFeed, Acosta and the non-existence of journalism.
SOME SURPRISE: Bigots rule at Yale University.

IT'S MORE THAN JUST WOMEN: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is setting women back light years in politics.

You could replace all the Progressives in Congress with bricks and increase the average IQ of the Democrat caucus.
UNFORTUNATELY IN TODAY'S WORLD, this is all too true.