Thursday, August 22, 2019

IDIOTOCRACY: White 'supremacists' sell organic produce at farmer's market; social justice warriors go ballistic.
CAN YOU GUESS WHICH ONE? A political party stupid enough to call you a racist is too stupid to govern.
MYSTERY SOLVED: Why evangelicals support Trump.
BY WAY OF POWERLINE: Why hasn't Brexit happened yet? Here's the gist:
Brexit showed that, for elites to whom the European Union offers a grand role, that moment has come already. The European Union, not Britain, is their country. They saw Brexit not as most British people did—as a solemn and even sacred uprising by an ancient people against a usurper. No. Elites saw Brexit as a local nuisance in the domestic politics of the only legitimate custodian of Britain’s long-term interests: the European Union.
It's a long article, but well worth the read if you want fully understand Brexit. It's also useful in understanding the current Democrat meltdown; the same premise applies.
NOT SURPRISED: YouTube is run by idiots. It's run by social justice warriors, who have self-identified as idiots.
THE MOMENT I realized Biden's candidacy was doomed.

I'm not convinced. "Vote for me. I may be confused and incompetent but at least I'm not batshit crazy." seems to me to be a pretty good (primary) campaign strategy.
DEMOCRATS: the party of racism (and filthy language).
I have a tenet that I stand by on the subject of race. The person who raises the subject first is usually the racist. And my addendum is the person who talks about race the longest is almost certainly the racist.
PORTLAND POLICE: 'We wish there were some kind of organized, armed force that could fight back against Antifa.'

From America’s new paper of record!
TRUMP TRUTHS: Socialism would totally work if ....

Good question.

Taken from this illustrated post of political insanity.
INSTAPUNDIT: "I'm so old, I can remember when the Babylon Bee was still a satirical Website, before morphing into America's paper of record."

PJ MEDIA'S MORNING BRIEFING: Trump triggers the Israel haters.

Good for you, Mr. President. Stay inside the Democrats' OODA loop. The more time the Democrats spend reacting, the less they have for acting.
BREAKING NEWS: Money doesn’t grow on trees, someone has to pay for it.

Money trees only grow in the fertile land of unicorns and rainbows. Because bullshit.
NOTHING USEFUL: What will they learn at college?