Saturday, June 29, 2019

TUCKER CARLSON: The Democrat Party has broken from reality.
HUH? Progressive sweetheart J.K. Rowling attacked by SJWs over her 'Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism'.

What the hell is 'trans-exclusionary radical feminism'? Now I'm sorry I asked....
KURT SCHLICHTER: Joe Biden learns you can never be woke enough.

Some Schlichter zingers from his 'Wokepocalypse 2020' post:
They were a different breed of loathsome Democrat racists back then. They hated everyone who was not white. Today’s loathsome Democrat racists now hate everyone who is, but they are more flexible than that. The loathsome Democrats of today are not merely racists, but sexist religious bigots who hate men, observant Jews and Christians, as well as individual members of sexual and racial minorities who reject the poisonous ideology of progressivism.
Facts are a bourgeois conceit, you see, and they are themselves racist when they get in the way of the progressive narrative.
And finally:
With SJWs ... the calling out [of bigotry] is the purpose, not the elimination of the overwhelmingly fake bigotry plaguing our society in their fevered imaginations. If they ended bigotry, they’d have to go get jobs and that’s not in the cards.
Now go read it all.
THERE'S BEEN TOO MUCH WINNING: Democratic candidates call to fix the best U.S. economy we’ve had in a decade.

They believe it's time to go back to the old [Obama] normal.
PROBABLY NOT: Is Kamala Harris telling the truth about her Berkeley days?
FROM 5 YEARS AGO TODAY: None so blind as those who will not see. The discussion on immigration is as relevant today as it was five years ago.
THE DEMOCRAT DEBATE in one minute forty-three seconds.
OREGON’S GOVERNOR, chasing fleeing Republicans, once fled herself.

Standards are for Republicans; double standards are for Democrats.

Reminder: She lost; score another point for Democrat hypocrisy.
FIVE SUREFIRE ‘WOKE’ POLITICAL PROPOSALS for desperate Democrat presidential debaters.

A little late for the first debate, but there will be be more opportunities....
NO WAY: Just in case immigration resurfaces. Which it will.