Monday, June 07, 2021

KURT SCHLICHTER wonders why all the 'experts' are such dopes.

The answer is simple and can be found in the definition of 'expert': one who knows more and more about less and less until he or she (or it) knows everything about nothing.
I WONDER WHY: State Department leaders were warned not to pursue COVID origin investigation.
FEEL GOOD TWEET OF THE DAY: New Yorker employees demand justice! Two thoughts after clicking through to their home page:
For an organization that is so 'woke' I counted maybe six black faces -- out of 96.

Many (most?) of them look like trust bunnies who've never gotten dirt under their fingernails.
Read the comments. I wouldn't call them mostly favorable.
FAUCI WHINES: Criticism of my emails is very much an attack on science.

No. Fauci himself is an attack on science.
THE NEW SECESSION CRISIS: The Democrats have already left the Union.

The rest of us must now work to isolate them in their own tiny enclaves.
FORMER PRINCETON PROFESSOR DR. CAROL SWAIN: NYC psychiatrist who talked about shooting white people is 'unfit to practice medicine'.

Seems sorta obvious to me.
BOTTOM LINE: Dr. Anthony Fauci is "a vastly overpaid corruptocrat with illusions of grandeur."

Nut graf:
Faucism, as you all know, consists of the rule by self-anointed "experts," maintained by the huge administrative state, protected by high-tech billionaires, shielded from criticism by extreme censorship, and praised by the brainless education industry and the fake scientists produced by that industry.
Faucism is simply fascism misspelled.
YALE’S MOVE TO RIG BOARD ELECTIONS reveals the bankruptcy of US elites.

They've always been bankrupt; today we just know it.
PSEUDODENT BIDEN: This isn't the man voters put in the White House.
RANDOM THOUGHT: Have you noticed that 'free stuff' always costs more?

That thought came to me after seeing another of the 'But wait!' commercials - the ones where if you buy one of what we're selling we'll send you another one absolutely free (for a small additional fee).
KURT SCHLICHTER: Democrats want to destroy democracy to save it.

I'd rather keep the Republic and destroy Democrats.
BIDEN'S BEEN AROUND SO LONG that Reagan and Obama both had opinions of him - and both were right.

For Obama it was a first....
CRITICAL RACE THEORY isn't new. It's just in the open.
COVERING ITS COLLECTIVE ASS: Twitter may roll out tiered misinformation warning labels.

Twitter must think its users are idiots.

They may be right....