Friday, March 13, 2020

As the coronavirus problem — which is real — is transformed by the media into the coronavirus panic — which is unnecessary — before reaching its conclusion as the “$55 Gazillion Dollar Coronavirus Congressional Omnibus Spending Bill of 2020” — which is inevitable — ask yourself this question: How has any government action helped so far?
The full article is behind a Boston Herald paywall; a place I will not go.
BREAKING NEWS: President Donald J. Trump doesn't want to get coronavirus.

CNN's Jim Acosta is a 'Maroon Extraordinaire'.
CONGRATULATIONS, Ilhan Omar supporters: You just paid her dowry.
NOT TOILET PAPER? What to stock up on if you're worried about coronavirus.
INSTAPUNDIT owns the media.
CHELSEA [BRADLEY] MANNING attempts suicide in Virginia jail.

[S]he's since been released; unfortunately not to Bellvue Psychiatric....
FEMINIST FIRST WORLD DILEMMA: Should I hire a cleaner? Apparently "quit whining and DIY" is not an option.
POWERLINE reports on the Great Toilet Paper Pandemic. My favorite:

Now go check out the rest.
THE LEFT'S PRETEND VIRTUE: Instead of calling the Democrats hypocrites, a better strategy might be to call them dangerous, power-hungry weasels.

I'm good with that, although I think it unnecessarily maligns weasels.
SORRY, but the government already has a monopoly.
I HOPE HE'S CORRECT: Politicizing coronavirus will cost Democrats the House. And the Senate. And the White House. And governorships. And....