Friday, August 20, 2021

REPEAT AFTER ME: I pledge allegiance to our Fauci....
WASHINGTON POST: The “Field Of Dreams” is racist.
LIBERALISM DROPS ITS MASK. It only serves its elite masters.
TRY THE HEALING POWER OF 'AND': Pentagon confirms Biden's either lying to the American people or incompetent.
THEN I'VE BEEN DEAD FOR YEARS: Eating one hot dog claims 35 minutes off life.
THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION: Our name is 'failure'.
Taken from here.
RANDOM THOUGHT: The only thing the Left knows about compassion is how to spell it.
EXPLAIN TO ME WHY I SHOULD BE SURPRISED: A monthslong investigation into the 2020 presidential vote has found that Democrat-run cities and states used the COVID-19 crisis to change the rules that likely helped Joe Biden’s ascent to the White House.
RANDOM THOUGHT: I think I just bought my last tank of sub-three-dollar/gallon gasoline for the next 3-4 years (at least).
WHERE'S KAMALA? If she's smart, she'll resign before Biden is forced out.