Thursday, January 13, 2011

KEITH ELLISON: Palin’s finished politically because she’s “unrepentant.” The more likely possibility is that Keith Ellison’s finished politically because he’s stupid.
THE WHITE HOUSE did a terrible job handling ObamaCare, says … Jim Webb.

Yes, and I emailed both Senators Webb and Warner just yesterday suggesting - no, emphasizing - that I would not vote for either of them again if they don’t vote to repeal ObamaCare.
CREDENTIALISM and getting the best jobs. It’s not just law and business; the FFRDC I used to work for does the same thing. It has been on a slow decline for years, mostly a result of the ‘elite’ academic’s complete lack of common sense.
MORE CONGRESSIONAL INSANITY: Rep. Peter King, a Republican from New York, will introduce legislation that will make it a federal crime to carry a firearm within 1,000 feet of federal officeholders and judges in response to the shooting in Tucson that killed Judge John Roll and gravely injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

Does this mean that by carrying a weapon I can be assured that no politician can legally approach within a thousand feet of me?
LIBERALS TAKE A PAGE from the Westboro Baptist songbook.
SARAH PALIN’S MAP. From the New York Daily News: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' blood is on Sarah Palin's hands after putting cross hair over district.
Here's the deal. Months ago during the election, Sarah Palin put Giffords on her "target list" of Democrats in vulnerable districts who voted for ObamaCare. The list included a map with what the media and those on the left are calling telescopic scope images placed over vulnerable districts. Somehow, the liberals have construed that to mean that Sarah Palin literally wanted to "target" Giffords to be shot.
Here’s the map from Palin’s website:

And here’s the surveyor's mark from the U.S. Geological Survey’s list of topographic map symbols.


Linked from Neal Boortz.
HILLARY CLINTON: shooting a form of "extremism".

Question: what about shooting back?
KANJORSKI: “Only fruitcakes' would take my call to shoot a governor literally.”

Rhetorical question: can we now infer that most of the left-leaning media and punditocracy are fruitcakes?
PALIN SYMPATHY? “I don’t particularly care for Palin, but every time they do this to her, I find myself hoping she becomes President, out of pure spite.”

And on Gillespie’s assertion that Palin “ain’t presidential,” I have to say that while I’m still not sure I’d vote for her, she impresses me as far more “presidential” than the current occupant of the White House.
THE “PAPER OF RECORD” HAS REVEALED, for any doubters, that the truth is the first casualty of its op-ed page. I would only add that “paper of record” should also include the Washington Post. See here, here, here, and here.

And there’s this:

From the cartoon gallery at the Washington Post.