Monday, November 07, 2022

SALENA ZITO: How the Democrats lost their way.
SO JOE BIDEN TAKES CREDIT for his inflation causing Social Security payments to increase.

Oops. Elon Musk intervenes: The tweet was accompanied by a note from Twitter that states "readers added context" that "Seniors will receive a large Social Security benefit due to the annual cost of living adjustment, which is based on the inflation rate."
THE DIPLOMAD comments on tomorrow's election.
TO SAVE AMERICA, repeal the 18th Amendment (again).
ELON MUSK MOCKS TWITTER'S HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT for sending 'mandatory' course on how to manage a company.

I hope he had the sense to include the entire HR department in the 50% of employees he fired.
RANDOM THOUGHT ON ELECTION EVE: one family, one vote. You must be married, with children, to exercise the right to vote.

At least families have a stake in the future of the Republic....
ON NOV. 7, honor those killed fighting for us in Vietnam.

That, and new Gov. Glenn Youngkin, are the only reasons I'd consider moving back to Virginia.
KURT SCHLICHTER: How twisted must you be to justify cutting apart kids?
TOMORROW WILL TELL, but it's beginning to look like a Republican blowout. Or so I hope.

One thing still bothers me, though -- the thought that the Republicans will fade on doing the things they ran on when challenged by the extremist Left. In some sense the GOP is its own worst enemy.

Here are six must-do's for the incoming GOP majority. (Governors and local officials included.)
[T]HE DEPRESSING BUT UNDENIABLE FACT [is] that the gravest danger to our republican government is that too many idiots vote....

Tomorrow we'll find out how many idiots there are.

Despite the fact that we're having an unusually warm couple of days, this has been a colder-than-normal fall (at least initially) and leaf fall is about 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Here's the usual pond view:
The brown leaves that were there last week are gone; so is the little remaining ground cover.
The same is true along the usual fire pit view. Except for that stubborn tree in the foreground, all the leaves are gone. We do have the grass beginning to show in the newly seeded area behind the barn.
Our road is now mostly clear (where you can actually see the road; this section has had the leaves blown off) as the leaves are all gone from the trees.
Here's how it looked outside this morning with the new lawn having had it's first 'haircut'.
Finally, a picture taken a day or so ago showing the last remaining color in our neighborhood.

Next week, a recap of this year's series. (Also, apologies for being a day late; I forgot to upload the post last evening.)