Saturday, September 10, 2011

HALF A NANNY is still worse than one. Why not just ban smoking throughout the whole damn state? I suspect that would cause a significant number of your most productive to move out-of-state and the rest of you can sink or swim by yourselves.
OOOH! You hurt my delicate feelings.
POINTY-HEADED POLITICIANS rush in where angels fear to tread: Calif. Bill Would Mandate Minimum Wage & Breaks for Babysitters.
OMG: Obama must go.
HEH: more unintended consequences.
OBAMA JOBS SPEECH "amounted to a decent pre-game show for the Packers and Saints." I would question "decent."
THE WASHINGTON POST'S DANA MILBANK: "Yeah, this president's irrelevant."

For those who thought that the Republicans would suffer following the debt 'crisis' during June and July, here is some good news. The trend lines are not ecouraging for the President.
OH.MY.GOD. The New York Times actually listens to Sarah Palin?
MESSAGE TO THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION: Atlas Shrugged was meant as a cautionary tale, not a freaking how-to manual.
MORE CIVIL DISCOURSE from the union left.