Friday, May 09, 2014


They're not mine, but the attitude is the same....
FURRY FRIDAY: Do animal rescues drive adopters to breeders? Sadly, the answer is probably 'yes'. Nannyism is alive and well in the "Save the (whatever)" community.
BEST NEWS YET: Little Of Substance To Report So Far In Obama's Second Term. It's only good because it limits the damage from his first term.
JUST THINKIN': coordinated attack?
WE HAD A SEQUESTER and hardly anyone noticed....
VENEZUELA IS WHAT HAPPENS when you continue to vote for free stuff.
BLOOMBERG WRITER attacks South Carolina Senator Tim Scott as an ‘affirmative action’ token, so National Review Online takes a look at the Democrats' bench.
BECAUSE THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS AN 'ASSAULT RIFLE'. After NY Gun Control Law, Assault Rifles Only Look Different."

Maybe there should be a prescription requirement for liberals taking stupid pills....
MAKING DETROIT SAFE one CCP (concealed carry permit) at a time. Detroit grandmother and carry permit holder shoots her way out of ambush with concealed handgun.
SO IS THE MOOSE going to sue for harassment?
ANOTHER EXAMPLE of government run amok.

I'm reminded of Augustine's Laws (#48):
The more time you spend talking about what you have been doing, the less time you have to do what you have been talking about. Eventually, you spend more and more time talking about less and less until finally you spend all of your time talking about nothing.
To put it in terms even the Minneapolis city council can understand: time spent planning to do studies to address disparities doesn't fill potholes.
ANDREW KLAVAN: The Debate is Over.

"IF STUPIDITY COULD BE WEAPONIZED, this comment could level a city."
HEH: Maybe a mustache would help? On the other hand, Jay Carney's beard didn't work either.
BUT DOES IT PREDICT CLIMATE CHANGE DISRUPTION? Universe evolution recreated in the laboratory.
JACK DUNPHY: Are warrantless cell phone searches legal? A Los Angeles police officer himself, Dunphy makes a good case.

Nevertheless, this still bothers me: if they have the suspect (and his personal effects) in custody, then why can't the police simply call for a search warrant? Am I missing something?
THE NEXT STEP: virtual reality cross-country supersonic flights (complete with virtual reality community complaints about sonic booms).
WONDERLAND: Obama unleashes the Left's attack dogs. Will Americans fight back?
HARRY REID [edited for coherency]:
“I think that it’s pretty clear ... the Republicans, unless they change ... can’t elect a president,” Reid told MSNBC when asked about 2016. “[T]hey’ve done everything to dump on women. They’ve done everything to dump on Hispanics, African-Americans, Asians, gay and lesbians....”
And Reid and his Democrat allies have dumped on everyone except their favored victim groups....
HOW COFFEE CAN SAVE YOUR SIGHT: Chemical in the drink prevents degeneration of the retina due to glaucoma, ageing or diabetes. It hasn't worked for me, and I drink enough coffee to drown an elephant.
OPERATION POUTY FACE: fighting Boko Haram on Twitter. Another box of weapons-grade hashtags, please.

There's more from NRO's The Corner.

Keep in mind that 'Operation Pouty Face' is the Facebook/Twitter equivalent of the after-the-fact candlelight vigils that liberals are so fond of. And the advantage of these events is that they don't even require coming out of the basement....
KAISER HEALTH NEWS: Employers getting ready to dump workers into ObamaCare. For anyone who's been paying attention, this is not news.
DO YOU really want to play golf?
PATTERICO: Teaching Liberty to Kids.
"THE PRESENCE of a small but perhaps irreducible number of racists may speak no more for the rest of the country than the small but irreducible number of con men and muggers (Congress?) makes the whole country criminal."