Saturday, August 06, 2011

"THE GREAT THING about being a liberal is [that] you're often wrong but never unsure (seventh comment).

Linked from Hot Air.

It may not be so bad after the lemmings cushion the fall.
IT APPEARS that green turns brown rather quickly.
INSTAPUNDIT: "[W]e ... need a governing class that makes at least some effort not to be contemptible."
YOU MUST ABORT or we'll take you to court.
ROBOT WARFARE: Is it possible?
BILL O'REILLY: It's Only Money. Yeah. My money.
TIME FOR A RED TAPE RESCUE: "We can keep the economy from flat-lining. But we need to realize that costly, unnecessary regulations are part of what's making it so critically ill."

More here.
FRIGHTENING CIGARETTE WARNING LABEL: "As much as half of the money you paid for these cigarettes will fund the salaries of people who know what is best for you, and will devise ways to make you do it for your own good."

From the dead tree edition of National Review.

It's easy to become a laughingstock. Linked from Instapundit.
THE ELITES ARE REVOLTING. Well, yes. My favorite comment is this: "Gore is calling for a revolt of the asses, not the masses. He wants the elites to take to the streets."

Hat tip to Pajamas Media.
GLENN REYNOLDS: Higher education's bubble is about to burst.

For what it's worth, my take is here.

[Update] More here.
JOHN KERRY: Let's Censor Tea Party Opinions. Clearly, all the blood that flows to his cranium is used to grow hair....
IT'S NOT GOOD NEWS: Does it feel like we're in a recovery or a recession?
PRIVACY? WHAT PRIVACY? DIY Spy Drone Sniffs Wi-Fi, Intercepts Phone Calls. I had previously posted about this drone aircraft here.
RICK SANTELLI: "We don’t need social engineers tinkering with the economic system to achieve their notion of “fairness” — we need actual economic growth, which the social engineers have proven completely incompetent at delivering.”

Linked from Instapundit.
BUT NOT GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE INCOMES: U.S. incomes fell sharply in 2009.
DID EARTH once have two moons?
OBAMA'S 'JOBS FOR DONORS' PROGRAM: President created twice as many donors as jobs in the second quarter.