Friday, October 25, 2019

COULDN'T HAPPEN TO A BETTER COUNTRY: The Ayatollah’s regime edges to the brink as Iran’s economy collapses.
BECAUSE THEY CAN: Why do environmentalists seem determined to torment?

UPDATE FROM Instapundit: "Because suffering isn’t a side effect, it’s a goal."
ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ gets into heated debate with Siri at Congressional hearings.

And lost. I have high hopes for artificial intelligence but beating up on Ocasio-Cortez is such a low bar....
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Why do they hate Trump so?
If an outsider Manhattan wheeler-dealer without military or political experience can at last call an appeased China to account, can avoid a Libyan fiasco, can acknowledge that America is tired of a 18-year slog in Afghanistan when others would not, or believes ISIS thrived as a result of prior arcane restrictive U.S. rules of engagement—and he is proven largely right—then what does that say about the credentialed experts who dreamed up the bipartisan conventional wisdom that with a few more concessions China would eventually become Palo Alto or that Libya would bloom at the heart of the Arab Spring?

The Left detests Trump for a lot of reasons besides winning the 2016 election and aborting the progressive project. But mostly they hate his guts because he is trying and often succeeding to restore a conservative America at a time when his opponents thought that the mere idea was not just impossible but unhinged.
He believes in the American dream and is unwilling to let the (increasingly unhinged) governing class take it away.

That's why I'll crawl over acres of broken glass to vote for him in 2020.
HEH: Throw the bums out.
SEATTLE: Let's penalize the elderly, middle-class, and poor families to save the world from climate change.

But not the rich. Or 'woke'....
MORNING GREATNESS: Durham’s walls are closing in.
MINNESOTA [NOT SO] NICE: Trump-supporting women called ‘terrorists’ and thrown out of Minneapolis cafe.

Minnesota is one of the few states I've never visited. I think that'll continue to be true.
MAINSTREAM MEDIA SOURCE (best left unnamed) attempts to school Republicans on the evils of President Trump.

INSTAPUNDIT posts a clear, concise summary.
MENSTRUAL EQUITY: Female symbol removed from sanitary napkin packaging.

Because there are 'men' in menstrual?

HEH: Babylon Bee explains.
DUMBOCRATS DEMOCRATS STRIKE OUT AGAIN: "If the economy is so good, why are all the unions going on strike?"

I saw the above (Democrat) quote somewhere on the internet the other day, and I have to wonder why the question was asked when the answer is so obvious. Let me answer with another question: "Why do the unions never go on strike when the economy is in recession?"
NEVER TAKE THE HIGH ROAD WHEN THE LOW ROAD IS AVAILABLE: Forgiveness is a word Democrats do not understand.
INSTAPUNDIT: "I’m not saying that all 'social justice' advocates are corrupt frauds, but that’s the way to bet."

If I had a dollar for every 'social justice' hypocrite, I'd be a multimillionaire....