Saturday, May 07, 2016

REPUBLICAN BUREAUCRAT: conservatives in need of political asylum. The author mistakes the Republican establishment for the Republican party. I don't think it was either Democrats or Independents who overwhelmingly voted for Trump in the Republican primaries and caucuses.
POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures is up. Here's my favorite this week:

But I like this one about Bernie's 'universal care' platform.

Go and see them all.
OH, MY: Is President Obama guilty of cultural appropriation?
FUTURE NEWS: University of Missouri closed due to snow(flakes).
HUH? Feminists are in favor of sexual assaults?
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL is stealing my thunder: Is Taxing Harvard, Yale And Stanford The Answer To Rising College Costs?

Well, close enough.
THEY DESERVE EACH OTHER: Give D.C. back to Maryland.
WATCH AS Mercury transits the sun on May 9th.

But carefully, if you value your eyesight....
RYAN TO TRUMP: I'm not ready to support you yet.

TRUMP TO RYAN: I'm not ready to support you either.

I'm with the Donald on this one; it's time for the Republican 'establishment' to get on the Trump train and work with him to "make America great again".