Sunday, May 01, 2011

OSAMA BIN LADEN DEAD? Presidential news conference expected momentarily ....

UPDATE: DEAD! Dead, dead, dead. And his carcass (not body, not corpse, carcass) is now feeding the fish at the bottom of the sea. Hot Air has a good summary of the breaking news as it happened last night. More thoughts later.
DECIMAL SLIP: Thousands expected, hundreds appear. Oh, well, what's a few factors of ten in the grand scheme of things?
MY CATS would not lower themselves to the status of "companion animal." They're pets, and proud of it.

As one of the commenters noted, once we put crazy people in "lunatic asylums." Now we put them in "academic institutions."
WHEN EVEN the miserable partisan hacks can’t come up with anything better than a naked race-card play, you know that . . . well, that Jimmy Carter is the best-case scenario.
SCRATCH A LIBERAL; you'll find a bigot underneath.

Back when I taught college in the late 70's, it was a running joke around campus that the reason colleges were referred to as "ivory towers" was that society didn't dare let the professors out for fear that they might harm themselves. Today it's no longer a joke.

Heh. More here - bigot accused of bigotry.
IN SAN FRANCISCO, NO LESS: The White House is lying about banning our reporter.

I'm afraid I've insulted Kellogg but the picture was too good to pass up.

Read the accompanying article here and dream of firing all the government/NGO PC police.
IT'S ALL THEIR FAULT for not believing in global warming.
ON THE MAINSTREAM LAMESTREAM MEDIA: "I know that they’re a bunch of partisan sycophants, but do they have to be so obvious about it?"
JEFF JACOBY on why the 2012 Republican hopefuls don't inspire.

I'll have to disagree with Jacoby on this one. Why? Look at the back-up candidates for the Democratic team: Joe Biden? Hillary Clinton? John Kerry? John Edwards? Dennis Kucinich? If they were fish, none would merit the term 'keeper.'

SNOOTY ELITIST FOODIE: Look, if you want to eat locally grown, free-range tofu, that's fine with me. But leave my burgers and fries alone!
THE REASON WE'RE EATING MORE BEANS is that we pay too much attention to gasoline prices.
THE POVERTY that budget-cutters can’t ignore. Hmm. It doesn’t seem to occur to the letter writers that perhaps if government spent a little less money on monitoring salt and transfats in our diets, among other such regulatory stupidity, there would be a little more money to address the real needs of the impoverished.
FRAUD, WASTE, AND ABUSE - the Holder tapes. When things go south, find someone (else) to blame.
I LIKE IT: Boston sends nonprofits requests for tax-like payments. Any organization dedicated to “improving the community” and taking government money to do so should be taxed at twice the going rate. There would be a lot less "fraud, waste, and abuse" if the non-profit sector were taxed like the rest of us.
“EVERYONE KNOWS that the Left is hypocritical, but we should never lose sight of the fact that it is also vicious.