Monday, January 22, 2018

WHAT IS BEST IN LIFE, DONALD? “To pass a tax bill, to stop a shutdown, to see the Schumers driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.”
Heh. And heh again.
MIKE ROWE gently shows a liberal woman the error of her ways.

Read it all; I don't think I've ever seen a better takedown.
BRITISH FEMINIST: It's okay to discriminate against conservatives.

Bullying is only wrong when liberals are the victims.
INSTAPUNDIT on the decency of hard work. I'm sure the Democrats will howl at the very thought of allowing the homeless to earn a living.
POWERLINE: an immigration trifecta. Read it all, and be sure to watch the video.

With respect to Hinderaker's note that California now has the highest percentage of its population living in poverty, here's the data.
OUR GOVERNING CLASS: "Trump doesn't reflect who we are." A more accurate lede is "Trump doesn't reflect who we think we are - your superiors".
The thing is, they’re not superior to him, as the 15-month ragefest since the 2016 election demonstrates. And, what really burns is, the voters don’t think they’re superior to him. And when a sense of superiority is all you’ve got (and cultivated self-superiority is the core of the current leftist project), realizing that others don’t share it is a narcissistic wound from which there is no recovery.
Read it all.

I almost wish there was a CostCo in my neighborhood. It's refreshing to see a company tell its customers to go shop elsewhere if they want to save money.
TEAM SCHUMER CAVES: the government will (probably) reopen.

HEH: More here.

UPDATE & BUMP TO TOP: The Democrats didn't cave; they collapsed - the vote in the Senate was 81-18 in favor. The House is now still voting to concur with the Senate, but they've already got the 218 votes they need to win a majority.
WHAT THE SHUTDOWN TELLS US ABOUT MODERN DEMOCRATS: "Minority, majority, process, or norms, it doesn’t really matter. Democrats believe they should always be in control."

As if we (those of us who can still think) didn't already know....
THE FOOLITIZER PRIZE: Where is the media's shame?

They have no shame; they're proud of being fools....
BECAUSE THEY'RE DUMBER? Why do Californians pay more state and local taxes than Texans?
TWITTER: this is your brain on social media.
THIS IS A NO-BRAINER: CNN 'star' Jim Acosta should be kicked out of the White House press corps. If President Trump has his way, it may already be a fait accompli.
TWO HUNDRED PEOPLE IN HAITI have Donald Trump to thank for their vision.