Thursday, June 09, 2011

THE NEW YORK TIMES can't even do their own journalism research.
ANN COULTER: [L]iberals have all the earmarks of mob psychology.
Their myths, slogans, demands for immediate action, messianic goals, demonization of opponents, creation of political idols and occasional resorts to violence -- all this is classic herd behavior.
Read it all.

Prickly City by Scott Stantis.

Frank & Ernest by Bob Thaves.

... you've lost the election.

Hat tip: Todd Clark.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: "If dispirited Europeans are conceding that something is terribly wrong with their half-century-long experiment with socialism, unassimilated immigrants, cultural apologies, defense cuts and post-nationalism, why in the world is the Obama administration intent on adopting what Europeans are rejecting?"

... just to buy an (unabridged) dictionary?

Hat tip: Bruce Tinsley.
TIM PAWLENTY: “Markets work. Barack Obama’s central planning doesn’t.”
MICHAEL MEDVED: The New York Times As Holy Writ. Ascending to Valhalla, though, might not be a good thing: “The Nordic myths describe the Home of the Gods as simultaneously glorious—and doomed. The destruction of this divine refuge counts as inevitable, for all the heroism and supernatural abilities of its inhabitants.”
GOOLSBEE’S GONE: Obama’s top economic advisor out. While it’s good to see the entire Obama economics team finally gone, it’s a bit disheartening to see so many return to academia, where they’ll be able to miseducate a whole new generation of aspiring economists.

UPDATE: Michelle Malkin agrees. "Official motto of the White House economic team: Those who can, do. Those who can't, fantasize in the classroom, fail in Washington and then return to the Ivy Tower to train the next generation of egghead economic saboteurs."