Thursday, January 12, 2012

D.C. LAWMAKERS propose requiring all students apply to college. They're punting. D.C. schools are well-known to be atrociously poor, they ran off Michelle Rhee, the best school superintendent D.C. ever had, and now they're trying to force universites to provide remedial training to 'cover up' their own shortcomings.

What a bunch of doofuses.
BARRY RUBIN: Where's the common sense? In the Republican Party, although I will concede it could express it better.
HOUSE SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER: Nearly 30 Bipartisan Jobs Bills Await a Vote in Senate; More on the Way.
FROM MY EMAIL: Ruger Firearms is coming out with a new and intimidating pistol in honor of U.S. Senators and Congressmen.

It will be named the "Politician". It doesn't work and you can't fire it. (Nor can you afford it.)
JONAH GOLDBERG: Conservative Establishment Divided Against Itself. I respect Goldberg, but I think he's somewhat off base.

First I don't see that the 'conservative base' has gotten more conservative over the years (and I've been around a few); it only seems so because the liberals have become much more extreme after their successes in the 90's.

Second, the 'anti-establishment tumult' is just that -- anti-establishment. While the Tea Party is predominately conservative, it's mad at the self-serving bureaucrats and congresscritters of both parties. Last election I voted Republican; this election I will add 'anti-establishment' to my essentially conservative agenda and vote the rascals out.
NAACP: keep blacks on the plantation. It's not just the NAACP; it's a liberal mantra that only liberals can take care of the black community -- provided they stay on the plantation.
GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE for the masses. This is an idea I'd like to see happen, and the first step to make it happen will be to allow the masses (i.e., me) to purchase insurance across state lines. The second step will be to prevent the governments (state and federal) from dictating minimum insurance coverage requirements.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: All the news you didn't see in the mainstream media in 2011 (and the news you won't see in 2012).
INTERESTED IN the Republican candidates' tax plans? Here's the chart to see.

To me, Gingrich and Perry clearly have the best tax plans because both are proposing a flat tax and both are proposing at least some change to Social Security/Medicare (I want full privatization). Romney is much better than Obama, but I don't see him suggesting any changes to either Social Security or Medicare, which are the two most significant budget problems in the U.S. today.

Linked from Yid with a Lid.
ROMNEY: "I enjoy firing people." Who wouldn't?

More: “Maybe the Democrats should run on this question: Do you want a guy with experience firing people to go to Washington and … fire some people?”
TRUTH? Who needs truth when you can have stagecraft?
OBAMA FLIP-FLOP: We were against unpaid internships before we were for them.