Saturday, June 09, 2012

DEMOCRATS: We can't compete without coercion.
OBAMA: dig faster! And don't worry; we'll fill the hole after the election.
SO WHO'S GOING TO PAY for all this free stuff? Not Frances Fox Piven.
VODKAPUNDIT: Don't stop mocking them.
HOLDER DOUBLES DOWN: Senior DOJ Officials Knew Nothing About Fast and Furious Tactics. If they didn't know -- and don't have full details now -- then they should be fired for incompetence.
A SURPRISING NEW POLL of the Connecticut Senate race shows Republican candidate Linda McMahon within striking distance of the likely Democratic nominee.

From my email.
ERIC HOLDER unaware that court visitors must show ID to enter? Oh, he knows; it just doesn't fit the Democrat narrative to admit it.
BUT CAN YOU HIRE THE WOMAN with a stay-at-home husband?
HOPE... and Change. You'll have to register.
HAS IT BEEN THAT LONG? Tom and Ray Magliozzi ("Car Talk" on NPR) calling it quits after 25 years.
THE REAL RACE between the tortise and the hare.


It's beginning to look a lot like Carter.

Or is it a lot like Mondale?

Still, let's not get cocky.
PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT: I'm too stupid to make decisions for myself, so you shouldn't be allowed to either. Steven Crowder cuts her no slack.

For the record, my wife and I were married when she was 22 and I was 23. Our 44th anniversary will be this year.
JUNE 14TH: Don't miss your chance to go.

Hat tip to Chris Muir.
DEMOCRAT MATH: One plus one is less than two.
BURNED BY BIOFUELS: "When individuals attempt to solve a problem and end up creating unforeseen troubles, it’s called the law of unintended consequences. When government does it, it’s called the law of the land."
EVEN THE INDIANS NATIVE AMERICANS KNEW BETTER: ‘Superfires’ a direct result of overregulation.
RISK FACTOR: The Public Policy Debate on Unleashing the Dogs of Cyberwar. What's missing is that there never should have been a 'public' policy debate. When at war, you don't tell your enemy what you're doing or planning to do.