Saturday, March 30, 2013

BILL O'REILLY: Hey, Isn't That the Spring Bunny?

It's time to start going to court and using the Left's favorite "I'm offended!" anti-bullying tactics against them.
THOMAS SOWELL on intellectuals and race.
REAL GUN CONTROL: North Carolina Woman Fights Off Two Male Intruders with Pistol.
COMMENT OF THE DAY: "[I]n this day and age, a reporter is little more than a person who wants to shape public policy without going to the bother of getting elected."
CLIMATE CHANGE: enough to drive a (Michael) Mann crazy.
TEN THINGS TO SAY to an Obama voter who just got laid off. It started (for me) here.
THOMAS SOWELL: When the Fed prints money to buy government bonds, it's the same as taxing your savings. Cyprus by another means.
WIN-WIN: Cops disarmed by ammo-hoarding gun nuts.
IT’S TIME FOR AMERICANS to ready an exit strategy from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. I'm working on mine, and it's looking better and better.
SO WHAT'S PLAN 'C'? Embattled DOE-Grant Recipient Changes Name from A123 to B456. Make a guess....
OBAMACARE: "Driving Up Unemployment and Insurance Costs Since 2010™"
THE NAVY'S first carrier-based UAV. Scroll through the gallery of photos for the remainder of the UAVs.
ANN COULTER: The Left's Continuing War on Women.
DO YOU want this woman teaching your kids?
SATURDAY POLITICAL HUMOR: follow the links -- all of them.
NASA'S SPACE LAUNCH SYSTEM is going to Mars. Well, maybe, if it doesn't get sidetracked along the way. Nothing like working (and spending great wads of money) in a goal-free environment.
SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA) writing an alternative Senate gun bill.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Iraq in hindsight.