Saturday, June 02, 2012


Linked from PowerLine.
BIGGER GOVERNMENT, less prosperity.
OBAMA'S LATEST CAMPAIGN MESSAGE: "Re-elect me so I can clean up all the things I screwed up in my first term."
FLORIDA WILL DEFY Eric Holder's Department of Justice and continue to purge voter rolls of ineligible voters.
MATT LATIMER: Mitt Romney’s rivals should hold grudges. Perhaps, Matt, just perhaps they understand the importance of banding together to defeat President Obama in November. Newt Gingrich does.

I can understand why Latimer is an ex-Gingrich adviser. He should think about becoming a Democrat.
EXPEDIENCY OVER PRINCIPLE EVERY TIME: The Washington Post's liberal columnist Dana Milbank says the GOP should sacrifice the unborn for Asian-American votes.
HOLMAN JENKINS: The 5th Avenue to Serfdom.

Note that none of this would be of any import had the State not accepted -- no, demanded -- responsibility for the health of its slaves serfs.
HEH: Democrats disenfranchise their own. You can vote for us, but you can't pick our candidate.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE LOSING PARTY IN NOVEMBER? "There is a light at the end of the tunnel symbolizing an oncoming train for the ruling class after November, the only question is which ruling class gets steamrolled."

Both of them, I hope.
YES, pro-choicers do seem to be self-selecting for extinction. It's called the Roe Effect.
ANN COULTER: GOP Whistling Past the End of America. For once, I hope she's wrong.
ARE POWERSATS COMING BACK? Bright future for solar power in space.
DAN MITCHELL: The Steroid-Pumped Version of 'Taxes Are for the Little People'. But they're helping the little people, you know?
BUILD AN UNDERGROUND ECONOMY and the tax man will come.
AT LEAST they aren't armed (yet). More here.
SAVE THE ECONOMY; buy a thingamajig today.
I DOUBT IT; you were probably a jerk to begin with.