Saturday, June 02, 2012
OBAMA'S LATEST CAMPAIGN MESSAGE: "Re-elect me so I can clean up all the things I screwed up in my first term."
FLORIDA WILL DEFY Eric Holder's Department of Justice and continue to purge voter rolls of ineligible voters.
MATT LATIMER: Mitt Romney’s rivals should hold grudges. Perhaps, Matt, just perhaps they understand the importance of banding together to defeat President Obama in November. Newt Gingrich does.
I can understand why Latimer is an ex-Gingrich adviser. He should think about becoming a Democrat.
I can understand why Latimer is an ex-Gingrich adviser. He should think about becoming a Democrat.
EXPEDIENCY OVER PRINCIPLE EVERY TIME: The Washington Post's liberal columnist Dana Milbank says the GOP should sacrifice the unborn for Asian-American votes.
HOLMAN JENKINS: The 5th Avenue to Serfdom.
Note that none of this would be of any import had the State not accepted -- no, demanded -- responsibility for the health of itsslaves serfs.
Note that none of this would be of any import had the State not accepted -- no, demanded -- responsibility for the health of its
WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE LOSING PARTY IN NOVEMBER? "There is a light at the end of the tunnel symbolizing an oncoming train for the ruling class after November, the only question is which ruling class gets steamrolled."
Both of them, I hope.
Both of them, I hope.
DAN MITCHELL: The Steroid-Pumped Version of 'Taxes Are for the Little People'. But they're helping the little people, you know?
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