Saturday, June 02, 2018

SAMANTHA BEE DECIDES it’s America’s fault that she’s vulgar.

One of the benefits of Trump Derangement Syndrome is that it has ripped off the progressive mask and exposed them as the lowlifes they really are.
CALIFORNIA BLOCKHEADS fail to block shipment of Elon Musk’s '(Not A) Flamethrower'.

And Elon Musk made a cool $11 million....
“THE WORLD IS FULL OF STUPID AND ANGRY PEOPLE, and most of them live in Portland.”
THIS IS YOUR BRAIN on marijuana. (And they misspelled 'marijijuana' too.)
NANCY PELOSI indicates Democrats have settled on bold midterm strategy of running against a good economy: "You’re better off these days without a job."
STAND BACK AND ENJOY: The Democrats’ circular firing squad continues to form up.

But of course your betters in Washington D.C. know what's best for you proles....
PELOSI SLAMS JOBS REPORT: strong employment numbers mean little.

Actually they mean a lot: the 'little people' can't be as easily controlled when they aren't on a diet of government cheese.