Saturday, September 06, 2014

INSTAPUNDIT: "[I]if you started requiring quality scholarship in grievance-studies departments, that would threaten the whole feedlot."

To reuse (or overuse) an Instapundit favorite: "Heh."
POWERLINE'S WEEK IN PICTURES, Stonehenge edition, is up. There are many good ones this week (Boobs, beer, and bacon; and the Great Pumpkin), but I've chosen this one as my weeks favorite:

Why, you ask? Well, because it "surely presages what historians of the far distant future will say about the Obama Administration: 'No one knows who they were or what they were doing'."
SMART(?) DIPLOMACY: Less Than 3 Weeks After Declaring Syria Chemical Weapons Free, Obama Admin Says They Hid Weapons.

When someone has to keep reminding you how smart he is, it's an open admission that he's dumber than a sack of hammers -- and much less useful.

Why I'm not joining in....
I'VE ALWAYS wondered about that myself.
GLOBAL WARMING 'SCIENCE' is political science. Nothing more.
FAST FOOD WORKERS strike for wage increase. Actually what they're striking for is wage cuts for their robot replacements.