Monday, October 09, 2017

THE UGLY TRUTH FOR LIBERALS: Gun control will not stop mass shootings.
PROGRESSIVES: What part of 'unalienable' do you not understand?
LIBERALS: Six reasons why your right-wing friend isn't coming to your side on gun control. (Although I'll be happy to control my guns when it's your life at stake.)
I'LL BET THE BAN WON'T INCLUDE THE GOVERNMENT OR GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES: California is thinking about banning gasoline-powered vehicles.

I'd suggest progressives read the whole thing, but it contains (gasp!) numbers.
WE'RE TOO BUSY GETTING WORK DONE: FEMA head Brock Long dismisses San Juan mayor's complaints as 'political noise'.
CALIFORNIA DECLARES ITSELF A 'SANCTUARY STATE'; ICE responds by arresting everybody.

FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION: turn on the FM receivers in your smart phone (so we'll have another way to interfere in your lives).

As if Amber alerts, weather alerts, and 'emergency' alerts weren't bad enough. At least they can be turned off.
SALENA ZITO: Support your local newspaper.
A GOOD MAN IS HARD TO FIND. Unless you're a feminist, then it's impossible.
AFTER LAS VEGAS, the Democrats send in the clowns.

As Instapundit might quip, "To be fair, they have plenty of them."