Tuesday, January 29, 2019


So [former Georgia gubernatorial candidate] Stacey Abrams was chosen to give Democratic response to Trump's State of the Union. Abrams, like Chuck & Nancy, is a firm 'Resister'.
LEARN TO CODE: Lawyers everywhere rejoice at finding a profession even more pompous, privileged and thin-skinned than themselves.

Guess who?
WHAT WILL IT TAKE to make you understand and accept that they hate you?
GOOD LUCK WITH THAT: "We are coming to take your guns."
DOES THE NONSTOP VIOLENT RHETORIC against Trump and his supporters mean that leftists don’t actually believe that a “climate of hate” leads to violence? No. It means they believe violence will be confined to their side.
QUESTION: Should the FBI run the country?

ANSWER: Not as long as it takes 29 agents to nab an elderly lobbyist.

Common sense, we hardly know ya'.
NO WALL? No problem. I know it's a purely rhetorical question, but it's an idea I could get behind if the claymores were designed to disperse some nonlethal incapacitating agent.
WHEN MEN WERE MEN: Bonnie and Clyde would be ashamed.

From the comments: "Meh, it's Austin. The whole town gave up its Texas card a long time ago."

MORE: Austin has clearly lost its cachet as a Texas city.
ILHAN OMAR: Evil in the House.

President Trump - aided by normal Americans - has forced them to fly their true colors.
RANDOM THOUGHT: After skimming the comments from a number of recent blog posts, I've come to the following conclusion based on two of many:
From simple minds ...
... comes the Democrat party.
Pretty much all you need to know in today's world.
SECRETARY OF STATE MIKE POMPEO speaks on Venezuela at the United Nations:
[I]t is time for every other nation to pick a side. Either you stand with the forces of freedom, or you’re in league with Maduro and his mayhem.
Stand tall, and stand with freedom.

MORE: Mike Pompeo humiliates Venezuelan President Maduro.
MORE AND MORE AMERICANS don’t just distrust the mainstream media — they are coming to loathe and despise them, and deservedly so.

Uh, huh.
IT'S NOT WHAT THEY SAY, IT'S WHAT THEY DO: A better guide than elite opinion is public revulsion at it.
HEY AL [GORE], can I get a refund on some of those carbon credits?