Saturday, August 30, 2014

LIBERALS: Obama's incompetence is not his fault. (It's those damn Republicans.)
REASON: A Third of Obamacare’s Federal Exchange Contracts Are Already Over Budget. The other 2/3 will be soon enough.
CENSUS: more than one-third of Americans receiving welfare benefits. Remember Mitt Romney's "47%" remark? Well, take a gander at this:

If the approximately 1/3 receiving welfare benefits can be fairly described as Obama's base, Romney wasn't far off....
WE CAN'T SHOOT unarmed civilians if they're wearing body armor. Remember, "if guns [body armor] are [is] outlawed only outlaws will have guns [body armor]".
SENATOR: Contractors with unpaid taxes and security clearances pose risk. Frankly, that's a minor risk compared to the number of administration appointees who are vetted for political correctness and nothing else....
iFAIL: L.A. Unified School District has abruptly halted the district's billion-dollar technology program to put an iPad into the hands of every student and teacher. It didn't work. Root cause: greed, corruption, and (of course) political correctness.

Local Manassas schools apparently haven't gotten the message. Two local high schools, Osbourn and Manassas Park, are planning to implement a 'tablet for every student' program this year (no link available).

Linked from Instapundit.
NEXT CITY: Should police wear body cameras?
SOMEONE HASN'T VISITED HIS LOCAL TEA PARTY: The Tea Party’s surprisingly hawkish foreign policy.

But he's a 'journalist', so no surprise.
OBAMA. CLIMATE CHANGE. INCOMPETENCE. Can we roll the presidency back to 2008? At least George W. Bush could walk and chew gum at the same time; Obama can't.
GOV. RICK PERRY trolls Democrats. Will they take the bait?

If they're Travis County Democrats, sure.
GLOBAL WARMING CLIMATE CHANGE DISRUPTION SWERVE: The name keeps changing, but the propaganda continues.
BILL WHITTLE: The world gets crazier and Obama goes golfing.
POWERLINE: Barney Fife for President.