Tuesday, July 19, 2022

CHEKHOV'S GUN: Having brought onto stage the weapon of political intimidation, the Left intends to use it at every turn.

I think mandatory 90 day prison sentences on (stale) bread and water would have a very salutary effect if our justice system could be persuaded to implement them.
WHAT A COMPLETE BOZO. Fauci admits that COVID-19 vaccines do not protect 'overly well' against infection.

And yet we're still not dead....
COMRADE MOLOTOV ON POLITICS: A pox on both your houses.
PROGRESSIVES HAVE RUINED SCIENCE. You're a scientist? So what?

'Progressives' have devalued science to the point that my engineering doctorate, if issued today, would hardly be worth the paper it's printed on.
TOLDJA SO: They’re trying to scare people with infectious new [coronavirus] variants that don’t actually do any harm.
MICHAEL MOORE pens his own 28th Amendment to ‘repeal and replace’ the Second Amendment.

Why doesn't he just move somewhere where guns are restricted -- like North Korea or China or Russia?
NOT SOON ENOUGH: A popular uprising against the elites has gone global.
WILL SHE EMIGRATE TO THE U.S.? In the UK, anti-woke warrior princess enters Conservative leadership race.

We could use her here.
ONLY BECAUSE IT WAS HIS FLIGHTS THAT GOT CANCELED. Transportation Secretary 'Mayor Pothole Pete' Buttigieg announces new investigations of airlines amid rising passenger dissatisfaction.
YES, I'M LATE, but this is the best PowerLine Week in Pictures ever. Here's why:
Now go see the rest.
BUT INCOMPETENCE IS NOT ONE OF THEM. Five reasons Joe Biden will not be 2024 Democrat presidential candidate.
IT AIN'T DEMOCRATS: New survey shows which party Americans trust more with educating their kids.
NAILED IT: "The Democrats don’t have any good politicians because they don’t have any good ideas."

On second thought, maybe the converse is true.