Saturday, November 20, 2010

WARNING LABELS and the Nanny State. The Food and Drug Administration announced that it will soon require tobacco warning labels to be much bigger -- and more graphic.
The proposed warnings, reports the Washington Post, include one "containing an image of a man smoking through a tracheotomy hole in his throat; another depicting a body with a large scar running down the chest; and another showing a man who appears to be suffering a heart attack. Others have images of a corpse in a coffin and one with a toe tag in a morgue, diseased lungs and mouths, and a mother blowing smoke into a baby's face."
Smoking is unhealthy, no question about it. But the loss of freedom is more hazardous by far.
RED SKELTON'S Pledge of Allegiance. Oddly enough, I remember the show. In 1969, I was 24 or 25 years old, newly married.
"LET ME HELP YOU PACK" New Jersey Governor Chris Christie coins the perfect 2012 campaign slogan.
WANT TO HAVE SOME FUN this Christmas? Send the ACLU a Christmas card. As they are working so very hard to get rid of the Christmas part of the holiday, we should all send them a nice, card to brighten up their dark, sad, little world. Here's the address:
American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Make sure it says "Merry Christmas."
DON'T TREAD ON ME soon may become an oft-used expression on Virginia roads. A state lawmaker is proposing a bill to create a license plate for Virginians to express solidarity with the spirit of the Tea Party movement.

I've already submitted an application for mine.
OOPS! We were only supposed to target right-wing bloggers.

Some history is here.

National Review cover for October 30, 2010.
TAXES ARE FOR LITTLE PEOPLE: “One of these four men is going to jail for three years for not paying his taxes. (The other three are politicians.)”
ANOTHER DEMOCRAT gets the message. Follow the link.