Wednesday, May 08, 2013

TEXAS: proudly promoting safe shopping since 1845.

THE OREGON STUDY: there is no health difference between being in Medicaid and being uninsured.

With due respect to Medicare and ObamaCare, the gist of the study is that 'wellness insurance' (e.g., healthcare) has been ineffective in improving physical health. For at least the last 30 years we (you and me) have been wasting great gobs of money on health care that has been at best ineffective.

The obvious solution is, as Dr. Benjamin Carson recommended in part, catastrophic health insurance and a health savings account.
MY FIRST RIFLE. I got a Daisy 'Red Ryder' BB gun when I was about 8 years old, and my first real rifle was a .22 Remington semi-automatic. I got it for Christmas when I was ... I dunno, 10-12, somewhere in that range. Actually, I got it before Christmas, since Dad had hidden it in the water heater closet, and at Christmas time, I was a very snoopy kid. Dad found out - probably from the fingerprints all over the rifle - so on Christmas morning the only thing under the tree was a single box of .22 cartridges.

There were many happy years of hunting, varmit hunting, and plinking that followed. The rifle finally surrendered to old age and overuse when my son was in high school.

I still miss it.

For Obama, and the 'reality-based community' generally, reality is whatever serves his immediate goal, even when it conflicts with a previous reality.
WILL THE MEDIA come to the rescue?
SHOTS FIRED: world's first 3-D printed weapon is demonstrated in live fire.
[A]nyone will be able to download and print the gun in the privacy of their garage ... with no serial number, background check, or other regulatory hurdles....
Liberals are having a hissy fit, and with good reason, because 3D printing has just rendered gun registration moot.
IS ANTI-BIGOTRY an autoimmune disease?
'ROACH COACH' BULLIES. I often ate at the 'roach coaches' that stopped at the hangars where I worked. The food was decent, better than anything I would make myself, and I could step outside my office, grab something and go back to work -- without having to walk to my car and drive several miles to the nearest fast-food restaurant for a meal that was (at best) only slightly better and (usually) much more expensive.
MARKETS: an economic miracle. I was born in 1944 and the change I've witnessed in just under 70 years is something to marvel at. I wonder, though, if my grandchildren will witness the same degree of change.

Taken from this post.
STOP WORRYING and love the Duck [Dynasty].
CALIFORNIA may be in awful financial, social, civic, and political shape — but it is far, far from broke (the state, not its government).

From my vantage point in Virginia, I'd say that what's true of California is true of the nation as a whole.
BULLET BLITZ: Demand from public, government leaves ammo shelves empty. Even though I have enough stored for a training session or two, I always call ahead before leaving for the range.

We've had nearly 5 inches of rain in the last two days, so the yard (and countryside) is 'greening up' nicely. Pollen is mostly gone, and only a few stubborn oak trees have so far refused to leaf out fully.

Still, global warming has kept this spring unusually cool. It may break 80 degrees tomorrow or Friday, but another cold front is due over the weekend.
YUVAL LEVIN: Reforming Immigration Reform. Good ideas, all.
GLENN REYNOLDS [INSTAPUNDIT]: Where are the start-ups? My suspicion is that the start-ups are there; just in the underground economy. The real question is whether or not they'll be able to emerge.

ADDED: other reader comments.
MORNING EXAMINER: Pro-amnesty Republicans and the welfare state.
“It is one thing to have free immigration to jobs. It is another thing to have free immigration to welfare. And you cannot have both.” – Milton Friedman.
As written, the article is a bit confused, I think, but the gist is clear: 'comprehensive' immigration reform isn't going to happen until the deficit problem (Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid) is resolved.
WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH, Democrats ... leave (usually with their tails tucked between their legs).
NAVY successfully simulates UAV landing on aircraft carrier. Next stop: USS George H.W. Bush.
IS BENGHAZI becoming a Watergate, or Iran-Contra, or both? "Benghazi shows that State has now almost descended into an arm of the 2012 reelection effort, in the manner of the media itself, as we saw in Candy Crowley’s exasperation over the Benghazi dispute in the third presidential debate."
OBAMACARE: the change begins. Opting out is looking very attractive ... if ObamaCare allowed catastrophic coverage (it doesn't; and it can't without self-destructing) the percentage of 'optoutees' would be very high indeed.
BENGHAZI: the clean-up begins.