Monday, September 12, 2022

PROOF THAT NEW YORK IS A BLUE STATE: Majority of New Yorkers back Biden's student-loan forgiveness plan.

Given New York taxes, I suspect they're also in debt up to their eyebrows.
IT'S ONLY A RECESSION when Republicans are in charge.
THE ROADS ARE RACIST: Who would have suspected that the weekend road trip with friends is almost the modern equivalent of a Klan rally?

Next we'll find the roads are fascist as well....
YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING: Climate change overwhelming California power grid.

Nope; they're serious.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Biden’s speech had it all backwards.”
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: How old bad ideas become wonderful again.
There is no end of history. Instead, civilization is a constant fight to embrace what has worked for the common good through the ages—and to reject what in the past has failed abysmally.

Bad and bankrupt ideas, protocols, and ideologies—like McCarthyism, communism, various cults, or fascism—resurface not because of their intrinsic or lasting value or record of success, but because civilizations become less vigilant and allow human vanities, ignorance, arrogance, and evil to reassert themselves.
Tail Gunner Joe [Biden] is back. Read it all.
STUDY SUGGESTS posting on social media makes users overconfident.

I'd be interested in the online behavior of the authors....
GET WOKE GO BROKE – big rig edition.

Linked from Instapundit here.
YES, WE LOVE OUR TROOPS: Pentagon tells struggling Army soldiers and their families to apply for food stamps.

I wish this were a new thing, but I remember it happening way back during the Viet Nam war...
REST IN PEACE, liberal arts.

I'm hopeful there will be a resurrection, but it won't be from within the academy.
I WAS TOLD CHICAGO WAS A SANCTUARY CITY: Illinois mayor fires back after migrants were secretly bussed to his town.
A PRELUDE TO WINTER: I'll be starting my annual 'Falling Leaves' series of pictures from around the house, pond, and neighborhood on Sundays starting September 18th. Here's a prelude of what's sure to come:
Two weeks ago it was green.

The last week or two has been significantly cooler -- nighttime temperatures now in the 50's and daytime averages have dropped to the low 80's -- and leaves are beginning to fall. Not significantly yet, but the leaf blower is getting ready now that we have (well, sort of) a lawn.
WHY LIBERALS BELIEVE IN 'SCIENCE': Science doesn't support their fantasies.

More here.
RED STATE: Stop falling for the term 'safety'.
I’m beyond sick and tired of the term “safety.” The left has inadvertently conditioned me to hear the word and immediately associate it with manipulation and attempts at control through fear.
It's not inadvertent.
Leftist entities are consistently attempting to push some sort of freedom-reducing measure on the general populace in the name of “safety.” We always have something to fear according to them, and the only way to avoid a disaster of epic proportions is to give the left more power. It’s the only way to keep our country “safe.”
Think TSA. I've given up flying anywhere less than 300 miles away and pretty much given up on flying anywhere.

Think lockdowns due to the COVID pandemic. The economic costs must be in the trillions of dollars by now, and what our children have lost in education is probably irretrievable.
We also apparently need to be kept “safe” from misinformation.
Much, if not most of which was and is true. But not to worry, Twitter, Google, Facebook and corporate America is stepping up to the plate to 'protect' us....
Anyone claiming to suppress you for your own safety isn’t doing it for your own safety. They’re doing it for their own benefit. We need to treat this word with a lot more suspicion than we do.
Keep in mind, it's about control; it's always about control.

I'd recommend reading the whole thing but it's behind a paywall. Here's what you may be missing.
DEMOCRATS and the 'F-bomb'.

It's a different 'F' than you might expect....

The World War II auto mechanic in this photo is Queen Elizabeth II.
A young female auto mechanic in military uniform in England in 1945 would not have been a rare sight, nor would a photograph of one such woman giving a demonstration to a visiting dignitary. This particular photo, however, is unusual because of what her job was when she wasn’t serving in the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS), a women’s army auxiliary branch.

The visiting dignitary is Queen Elizabeth — now known as the Queen Mother — and the young ATS subaltern is her daughter, the future Queen Elizabeth II.
THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR: Night falls on Camelot.

AN AMERICAN REMEMBRANCE of the Queen. (It's a pity that the related stories are behind The Spectator World paywall.)