Wednesday, October 24, 2018

IN THE GENDER WARS, the left steps up effort against a notorious hate group: reality.

Yes, it's the Babylon Bee.
COMMENT OF THE DAY on progressivism: "Feelz before realz." From the comment section to this post.
ON THIS, I agree with the Democrats.
NO WONDER what happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas.
CARAVAN? WHAT CARAVAN? Democrats avoid sparring with Trump on caravan as midterm nears.

It's those pesky rules you thought would only be applied to conservatives....
IT CAN'T GET ANY BETTER THAN THIS: Internet censorship of conservatives partially funded by the Chinese government.
WHY WOULD THE WASHINGTON POST hire someone like Jamal Khashoggi?

I suspect there's much more to come and Kashoggi's defenders won't look particularly good as a result.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The wolves have shed their sheep's clothing.

Progressives need to understand that sheep are valuable; wolves are not. Wolves are predators, and most Americans are okay with hunting down predators.
THE NEW TABOO: Transgenders wanting to 'detransition'.

Linked from Instapundit.
SOME LOOSE ENDS real journalists would be reporting. But there are no real journalists left any more; they're just Democrat operatives with 'journalist' bylines.