Thursday, October 09, 2014

NEXTGEN: FAA plan for skies with no drones is no plan at all.
In what can be considered as nothing less than a negligent lack of foresight, designers of the new U.S. air traffic control system that is supposed to be taking us into the future forgot to include drones in their planning.
MICHAEL BARONE: Hey, let's have another housing crisis.
JUST WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED: a wearable quadcopter.
'HUMAN RIGHTS' COMMISSION: Christian business owners should leave religion at home. If you read the actual ruling, you'll see there's plenty of silliness on both sides -- and of course the comments section (mostly from liberals) is completely off the wall.

We need to go back to the "I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, at any time, for any reason" rule that once held sway.
JOHNNY DRONEHUNTER: defender of privacy.
NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE: Now they're coming for your children.
THE BETTER TO CONTROL YOU: "[I]n 40 states the largest insurers either maintained or boosted their market share through the health exchanges established by the Affordable Care Act."

With the Obama administration, crony capitalism is a feature, not a bug....
NOVEMBER 12, 2014: European Space Agency Sets Date for Comet Landing.
TOO YOUNG TO DIE; too old to worry:
When should we set aside a life lived for the future and, instead, embrace the pleasures of the present?
Actually, that's the wrong question. The right question is "When did we give up the right to live our lives freely, for better or worse, as we choose?"
ELECTION DAY IS NOVEMBER 4: Should you be allowed to vote?