Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WHAT COULD BE CLEARER EVIDENCE of the intellectual bankruptcy of liberalism? The label “Democrat.”

I had the misfortune to have to watch MSNBC's Hardball while waiting at the ER this evening. The label fit.
SEN. AL FRANKEN (D-MN): no one is ever forced to join a union. Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY): unless you want a job.

I understand Ronald McDonald may be out of a job soon. Perhaps he should run against Sen. Franken in the next election. Then there would be a real clown in office.
JUPITER MOON IO is “the only place other than Earth in our solar system where volcanoes occur, and scientists have found an ocean of magma beneath its surface that feed its potent eruptions.”

Obviously the Ionians are climate-change deniers.
JEFF JACOBY on “RomneyCare” and the individual (“personal responsibility”) mandate.

Let me choose the level and type of health insurance I can buy and then -and only then - will I consider a mandate.
JEEZ ... IS COMPETENT GOVERNMENT AN OXYMORON? New Jersey almost sells confidential information on thousands of residents at auction.

You can’t help but wonder.
ARE COMPACT FLUORESCENT LIGHTS really cheaper over time? According to the spreadsheet embedded at the link, yes. Yet I’m suspicious, for the simple reason that if the spreadsheet is correct, there would be no need for government intervention in the marketplace.
AND LIBERALS who live and feed on OPM (other people’s money) aren’t generous. Follow the link.
REPUBLICAN HOPEFUL Herman Cain storms Texas. Some quotes:

• Border security - “Instead of suing Arizona, they should have gotten a prize!”
• Liberals - “The problem with liberals is, they can’t handle the facts!”
• Race - “I am black, but I happen to be an American first.
• Conservatism - “I escaped the Democrat plantation and I’m not going back.”
I’ll be watching him as the debates continue.
AIR FORCE ONE aborts landing. Obama was back-seat piloting again.
GOOD RIDDANCE: Last domestic car dealership in San Francisco to close its doors. Maybe when the next earthquake occurs, San Francisco will be closer to its major supplier.
IS YOUR NOSE a scanning tunneling microscope?
YES, LOCK IN THE ‘YOUNG & STUPID’ VOTE. Should the votes of the young count more than the votes of the old?

And, yes, I read the update. Young Ezra needs to revisit his Early American history to understand why our Founders chose a bicameral legislature.

The complete post is here.
DOES THE OBAMA ADMININSTRATION have to be hit in the head with a sledgehammer in order to see the obvious?

Boeing CEO Jim McNerney: The Obama NLRB’s heavy-handed move against Boeing in South Carolina could end up hurting union states and shipping American jobs overseas.
I guess so.
WHO’S READY FOR $6 GAS? Well, we’re close. I filled up last night at $4.20 a gallon, a 25-cent increase from the last fill-up only 10 days ago (and all day the radio was assuring me that gas prices were “coming down”).

In a morbidly grim way, I almost look forward to $6/gallon gasoline, because it will assure that my cat will wipe the floor with Obama in the 2012 election.

A real “fat cat” for President.