Wednesday, February 12, 2020

I THINK there may be a message here.
THE DEMOCRATS: A corrupt, insane [clown] posse masquerading as a political party.
THE DIPLOMAD comments as Slow Joe Biden is shuffled off the dance floor.
KEEP CONGRESS' STAFF LEVELS THE SAME; reduce the size of the federal government to match.
A TALE OF TWO VETERANS: Tulsi Gabbard and Pete Buttigieg.

Politically I agree with neither, but Gabbard comes off as much more human.
I JUST HEARD SHERROD BROWN [D-OH] ON TV saying essentially that the lesson Trump learned from impeachment is that he can do anything he wants. The real lesson - the one the Democrats didn't (and won't) learn - is that they can't do anything they want.

My hope is that when Election Day 2020 rolls around, they'll finally learn that lesson - good and hard.