Wednesday, April 13, 2016

WISCONSIN GOV. SCOTT WALKER confident unions' "right to bleed" will be upheld by the state supreme court:
[T]he state's new right-to-work law ... prohibits private-sector unions from forcing non-members to pay them regular fees....

Walker's Act 10 extended protections similiar to right-to-work to public-sectors workers. The two largest public-sector unions in the state, American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees Councils 40 & 48, went from having a combined 41,000 members in 2011 when Act 10 was passed to just over 12,000 by the end of 2014, according to Labor Department data. Over the same period, their budgets shrank from a combined $18 million to just over $5 million.
And the Democrat party's coffers emptied by ... how much?
ROY COOPER'S HAWKS: Mike Adams on the North Carolina Attorney General.
The attorney general spent millions trying to protect North Carolina from conservative professors in public classrooms. Now he won’t spend a dime to protect North Carolina from convicted pedophiles in public restrooms. I think that really says it all.

'Nuff said.
LIBERAL ATTORNEYS GENERAL have begun a war against the first amendment. Kurt Schlicter reminds them that the sword cuts both ways.
WHITE CASTLE: a case study on the effect of the $15/hr minimum wage.
“CALL ME OLD-FASHIONED, but I tend to think of people with penises as men.”
TEXAS SUCCEEDS where America's federal immigration system fails.
SO WOMEN ONLY earn 78% of what men earn? They should have it so good; at the Clinton Foundation, they only earn 62% of male salaries.
INCEST: the next transgender right?
"IT’S TIME FOR RACE HUCKSTERS ... to get a life.”
BLACK LIVES MATTER, just not the way the BLM crowd wants you to believe.
THERE’S A PARTICULAR PHOTO that went around the world of a little boy lying dead on the beach. It is true that this photo was very sad and makes you reflect on the distress of these people fleeing their country at the risk of their lives.

Above, a photo showing 10 people walking in light snow to reach the final objective, to live in a European country. Even if this photo is making it around the world, only 1% of the people will notice the whole truth.

In the photo there are 7 men, 1 woman and 3 children. Up to this point – nothing special. But by observing a bit closer, you will notice that the woman has bare feet, is accompanied by 3 children, and of the 3, she is carrying 2. There is the problem because none of the men are helping her.

That is because in their culture the woman represents nothing. She is only good to be a slave to the men. Do you really believe that these particular individuals could integrate into our societies and countries and respect our customs and traditions ?

From my email.
HOW TO REDUCE CITY TRAFFIC: self-driving vehicles or car-free cities?

Umm, can someone explain how those cities are going to get 'stuff' (i.e., food, merchandise) into a vehicle-free city?
STOP TRUMP BECAUSE ... too much democracy.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The next president is going to be hated. So let's elect the most hated candidate by both the Democrat and Republican parties -- Donald Trump -- and get on with "making America great again".
ANALYSIS, TRUE: Socialism is for takers, not makers.
OH, COME NOW: Interviewing candidates through avatars could help more women land tech jobs. Back when I was involved in hiring decisions, I brought in more women than men.

If there's 'gender bias' in (engineering) hiring today, it's against males.
UNITED HEALTH makes good on its threat to pull out of ObamaCare.

I hope it's only a matter of time until health care dies and health insurance returns.