Friday, November 02, 2012

KEY TASK FORCE not convened during Benghazi consulate attack.
SO LEAVE THE LIGHTS OUT: Nonunion Alabama crews turned away from Sandy recovery. So let New Jersey freeze in the dark.

Linked from Michelle Malkin and Twitchy.

It's time to break the unions.
HORRIBLY WRONG? or horribly right? This particular conspiracy theory is laughable on its face ... except for the fact that it is entirely consistent with the Obama administration's Chicago-style modus operandi.

Moreover, the latest reporting is beginning to suggest that an immediate military response was actively thwarted by senior members of the administration.
JONAH GOLDBERG: Did Hurricane Sandy save Obama from himself?
MICHELLE MALKIN: The Photo-Op Presidency.
ANDREW KLAVAN: Welcome to the Democrat Party....
BILL’S BBQ couldn’t take four years of President Obama.

How many more won't survive another four?
ANN COULTER endorses Romney for President:
It is a universal law of nature that everything run by the government gets worse and more expensive over time -- the postal service, airport security and Amtrak. Everything run by the private sector gets better and cheaper over time -- cellphones, computers, hair products, dishwashers, etc.

You know who specializes in rescuing failing enterprises and making things work?
Mitt Romney.
THE RACE CARD didn't work; the Republican war on women didn't work, so now global warming is back.

UPDATE: More on the Left's desperation.
SERIOUSLY LAUGHABLE: A pro-Obama childrens' song "filled with lyrics that lament the unemployment of Big Bird, warn of dead polar bears and threaten a guilt trip for moms and dads if they don’t pull the lever for Barack Obama on Tuesday."

But that's what you get when you let a child run the White House.