Thursday, May 10, 2012

SERIOUSLY? Flasher Exposes Self at Bookstore for the Blind.

Unless you're a Democrat, then don't bother.
SURPRISED? An internal investigation at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill has uncovered academic fraud involving the department of African and Afro-American Studies.

Teaching nothing, learning nothing.
ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS collecting millions from federal agencies they sue. What a deal. Government pays them to sue the government; then pays their legal expenses.
AIRPORT SECURITY: Time for a new flight plan.
ELIZABETH WARREN dances with lies -- and other affirmative action stories.

I have an idea: lets give affirmative action points to individuals based on blood heritage. Elizabeth Warren gets 1/32 of a point (at best); Barack Obama a half point; Zimmerman gets at least a half point for being 'Hispanic' and perhaps a fraction of a black point as well....

Getting while the getting is good (click to enlarge).
GAY FOR PAY: Obama reversal on same sex marriage comes just days after donors threatened to withhold funds.
BILL WHITTLE on clutter. Watch; it's worth every minute.
WITH FEW JOBS CREATED, dispirited workers simply drop out. Count me, too. I'm about to resign my 'part-time on-call' position and accept the fact that I'm really, truly retired.
FORWARD! To the future.
[T]oday’s liberals remain enthralled with green technologies like wind and solar. Though these are promoted as if they were forward-looking alternatives to fossil fuels, they’re really throwbacks to pre-industrial times. Humanity has moved past these quaint energy sources. Once upon a time, a wind-powered ship was called a sailboat. A solar-powered clock was called a sundial. Now retrograde “achievements” like powering homes with 15th century windmills is something celebrated with lavish taxpayer grant funding.
Did I write 'future'?
CRAVEN AND PUSILLANIMOUS at the Chronicle of Higher Education.

"Craven" and "pusillanimous". What marvelous words to describe academia.
JUAN WILLIAMS: Don't underestimate the Tea Party's staying power. Liberals and establishment politicians, please don't listen to Juan. He's right, with one exception. It's moderates and independents - like me - who are giving the Tea Party its staying power.
THE LIFE OF 'JULIA': It should be called the 'Life of a dependent liberal'.
MARYBETH HICKS: It's no wonder 'Julia' can't smile.
THE NEW YORK TIMES' BILL KELLER thinks Fox News is biased. And then there's this:
We have too often been condescending to those who don’t share our secular urban vantage point. We are too easily seduced by access. We can be credulous. (It’s also true that we have sometimes been too evenhanded, giving equal time to arguments that fail a simple fact-check.) But we try to live by a code, a discipline, that tells us to set aside our personal biases, to test not only facts but the way they add up, to seek out the dissenters and let them make their best case, to show our work. We write unsparing articles about public figures of every stripe — even, sometimes, about ourselves.
And he thinks Fox is biased?

Much more here.
FOR OBAMA, green isn't about environmentalism.
[A] health care advocacy group is asking President Obama to 86 any future junk food photo-ops because they set a bad example. A group of doctors is filing a petition calling for an executive order barring the president, the first family, Vice President Biden and all cabinet members from eating unhealthy foods in public.
Another example of the Obama administration's 'do as I say, not as I do' policy.
THE TEA PARTY is here to stay. Sen. Dick Durban (D-IL) will finally 'get it' in 2014 when the Tea Party ousts him from the Senate.
WELL, SO MUCH FOR THAT 'RESET BUTTON' THINGY: Putin opts out of G-8 summit, cancels meeting with Obama.