Sunday, May 20, 2012

IS OBAMA A 'BIRTHER'? Obama edited his bio many times for 17 years, but “born in Kenya” left intact until 2007.
THE 'REALITY-BASED' COMMUNITY always seems to have trouble with reality. I wouldn't have done well either, but then I'm not a three-time Pulitzer Prize winner.
"THE THING ABOUT OBAMA IS, there’s no there there. It’s composite all the way down." Follow the link to Steyn's piece.
RANDOM THOUGHT for the "99%" from the retirement lane: having 'gone Galt', I thought I'd just let you know that it's my money now -- and I don't intend to share.

They can't even perform a decent "jody call." Losers.

Linked from Instapundit.
WHAT NOT TO DO on the White House web site.
PAUL GREENBERG: The $2 Billion Lesson.
SUPER. School fined $15K for selling soda. We're spending our hard-earned tax dollars for this?
WILLIAM KRISTOL: Obama should dump Biden in favor of Hillary Clinton. Kristol argues that it would be better for the Republicans to defeat the best the Democrats have to offer. I can see the point, but I'd still rather have the Democrats field a weak team than a strong one.

Still, should the Democrats win, Hillary might be able to moderate Obama's worst inclinations.
WARREN BUFFETT buys 63 endorsements for Obama. He could buy the Washington Post and New York Times ... oh, wait, they're already in the tank for Obama.
JOHN RANSOM: Obama's Campaign about Nothing. "Obama may go down as the first president in the history of the U.S. to run a campaign based, like Jerry Seinfeld’s comedy, on nothing."

Yes, but at least Seinfeld's comedy was entertaining.
DEMOCRATS TO JOE SIXPACK: Get lost. As someone who's just completing several 10's of thousands in home remodeling, I can assure you that the small businessmen who have been working for me have gotten the message.
THOMAS SOWELL: A Racial Revolution?
Demography is not destiny. But the history of Balkanized and polarized societies in the 20th century is a history of horrors that we dare not ignore.
We are not at that terrible point yet. But that is the direction in which we are headed, under the spell of magic words like "multiculturalism" and "diversity," which have become substitutes for thoughts, even among those who pride themselves on being "thinking people."
Our whole educational system, from the elementary schools to the universities, is permeated with ideologies of group grievances and resentments, painting each group into the corner of its own separate subculture, instead of drawing them into the mainstream of the American culture that made this the greatest nation on earth.
Unless the fashionable Balkanization is stopped, demography can become destiny -- and a tragedy for all.
Read it all.