Wednesday, November 20, 2013

UH OH! WATCH KATHLEEN SEBELIUS as ObamaCare website crashes in front of her. I'm reminded of Augustine's 27th Law: "Rank does not intimidate hardware. Neither does lack of rank."

And a reminder for U.S. taxpayers: "It costs a lot to build bad products (Augustine's 12th Law)."
GOOD FOR HER: Palin kills Matt Lauer interview over Martin Bashir slur. It's long past time to slap the bigots around.
MICHELLE MALKIN: "[Arnie] Duncan’s a bigot, a bully, an elitist and a foot-in-mouth fool all rolled into one...." So, Michelle, tell us what you really think.
IT BEGINS: White House edging away from “keep your doctor” promise.

Channeling Nancy Pelosi: We know you really don't like your health care plan.

And I'm sure NSA will be happy to transfer your medical records....
WHO KNEW? Bicycle lanes are racist.
ARE REPUBLICANS sabotaging ObamaCare by frightening younger consumers? Well, of course -- Republicans are telling the truth and encouraging them to make rational choices.
A VERY SPECIAL holiday message from Barack Obama. I sincerely doubt that I'll drink that much....
HEH: Terrified Obama Trapped Inside Website.
NO. Go away. Now.
EMPTY HANGARS ARE COMING TO SEATTLE: Seattle Socialist-Elect Already Advocating A Worker Takeover Of Boeing.

Start buttering the popcorn ... it's always amusing to watch as wannabe socialists discover that being entitled to everything always results in being entitled to nothing.
TWO DILEMMAS Republicans must confront if they hope to win in 2014 and 2016.
OBAMACARE SUCCESS STORY … can’t afford ObamaCare.
IT MUST BE YOUR FAULT: Note the resemblance to Obama.