Sunday, November 04, 2012

HARRY REID: The idea that Democrats would work with Romney is laughable. A preemptive strike, knowing Mitt Romney will take the White House. What poor Harry doesn't understand is that Mitt is smarter than he is, and will simply go around him.
KATY PERRY: I’m a Sex Object and I Endorse This [Obama] Ad.
SO IT'S TIME to fire up the coal plants to get enough carbon.
MARK STEYN: A Tale of Two Crises:
President Obama and Benghazi: "What is the point of outspending Russia, Britain, France, China, Germany, and every middle-rank military power combined if, when it matters, America cannot urge into the air one plane with a couple of dozen commandos?"

Mayor Bloomberg and Hurricane Sandy: "This is a man who spends his days micro-managing the amount of soda New Yorkers are allowed to have in their beverage containers rather than, say, the amount of ocean New Yorkers are allowed to have in their subway system — just as, in the previous crisis, the municipal titan who can regulate the salt out of your cheeseburger proved utterly incapable of regulating any salt onto Sixth Avenue."
Read it all.
WILD BILL'S Tea Party Travel Agency. One-way tickets for Liberals to such delightful places as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, North Korea and Cuba.
MARVIN FOLKERTSMA: Liberalism's Orwellian Children.
VOTE FOR 'Love of Country', not 'Revenge'.
POLITICAL CALCULATIONS: Obama's Job Creation Claims. Not so hot.
IS THERE such a thing as a wasted vote? No, even when it's for the lesser of two evils.
RICK SANTORUM: Standing up for marriage and families.
IDIOTS OFFER hope, change, blame, revenge - and self government.
TODAY IN HISTORY: A Shadow's World post from November 4, 2008.