Wednesday, July 24, 2013

OH MY, the dildo has been hunted to extinction. It must have been that Navy corpse-man who fired the fatal last shot....
WE HAVE SEEN THE FUTURE and it is WeinerSpitzer.
NEWT GINGRICH: A conversation about Detroit.
ERIC HOLDER: Let's replace 'Stand Your Ground' with 'Lay Down And Die'.
MORE IDIOCY IN DETROIT: Michigan Circuit Judge Rosemarie Aquilina ruled Detroit bankruptcy is unconstitutional, saying "the filing did not honor President Barack Obama's work for the city, who she said 'took [Detroit's auto companies] out of bankruptcy'. Aquilina said she would send a copy of her order to Obama."

Where on God's green Earth do we find people this dumb? [I know, I know, ... Detroit.]
IS THERE anyone on the Left who doesn't lie?

Maybe. But I wouldn't bet on it.
DOCTORS ARE skeptical and confused about ObamaCare. They're not the only ones.
A REMINDER: "The simplest reason why Romney lost [the 2012 Presidential election] was because it is impossible to compete against free stuff."

The article was originally written in November of 2012; it's making the email rounds again, and is still worth a long, thoughtful read.

The Tom Toles cartoon in today's Washington Post takes the Brits to task for the 'expense' of their monarchy. It's worth reminding him that the monarchy costs the British something on the order of $55.6 million per year. The U.S. Presidency costs the American taxpayer roughly $1.4 billion per year.

I would also point out that Toles' "neither one gainfully employed" snark applies to the U.S. and Obama presidency as well.
BEING A LIBERAL means you don't have to grow up.
QUIT WHINING; you voted for ObamaCare: Professors must take invasive physical tests under new health care regime.
WOULD FORCING a high-salt diet on liberals bring their collective IQ's up to sub-normal?
ANDREW KLAVAN: A National Conversation About Complete Crap.
BYRON YORK: Are Republicans fooling themselves about Obamacare?

If the 'Affordable Care Act' (ObamaCare) does go into effect in 2014, there will be healthcare for those who can afford to pay cash, and 'deathcare' for the rest of us.