Friday, August 10, 2012

THIS WILL BE INTERESTING: Northrop Grumman readies two RQ-4 Global Hawks for an air-to-air refuelling demonstration. Off the top of my head, I can't recall a single instance of an unmanned aircraft being refueled in mid-air, much less one refueling another.
OBAMA'S AMERICA: with welfare and bailouts for all.
JOHN HAWKINS: 5 Things That Will Be Different If Mitt Romney Defeats Barack Obama. A Romney win will certainly be an improvement, but as Hawkins indicates, getting back on track will be slow and difficult. It will take at least one, possibly two more elections to clear all the deadwood from the federal forest.
"HOW LOW CAN THE OBAMA CAMPAIGN GO? Wait until they get done with Joe [Soptic]. You will see how low they can go. Because its not the welfare of the people big government types care about. They don’t really care about me and you. They don’t care about Joe. Lip service is paid, but it’s only to get a vote. The only true worry they have is their control over the levers of power, and the pocketbooks of their friends."
HEH: Romney leads; Obama follows. (It's in the comments.)
OBAMA ECONOMICS: deny the small businessman a job.

Not smart politics.
CALLING IT MUDSLINGING does a huge disservice to mud. Mud is cleaner.
A RIDICULOUS MANDATE. But what else would you expect from the Environmental Protection Agency?
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Ideas matter, and the Democrats are fresh out.
A LANDSLIDE ON THE HORIZON? I think so too, and like to believe that whenever I've bucked the conventional wisdom, I've never been wrong. I hope this isn't a first....
INSTAPUNDIT: "It is becoming clear that Obama is not only intellectually, but also morally unfit to hold the office of President."