Monday, November 17, 2014

MR. PRESIDENT, some questions about immigration.
SPACEFLIGHT NOW: NASA’s first Orion capsule delivered to launch pad where it will be mated with the Delta IV Heavy launch vehicle.

More pictures at the link.
THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION is a Potemkin village.
SO, SHALL WE BAN POT SMOKING? Secondhand pot smoke may pose similar health risk as cigarette smoke.
DONNA BRAZILE: Why Not Al Franken for President in 2016?
Franken, a comedian known for his work on Saturday Night Live and the author of the book Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations, wrote a satirical book in 2000 about a Franken presidency titled Why Not Me? In the book, Franken’s presidency is a disaster and he is forced to resign after 144 days. In real life, some Democrats who want to find a liberal who could challenge a potential Clinton candidacy seem to think Franken would be a good choice.
File under 'Democrats are delusional'.
EXPLAINING OBAMA: The History and Danger of Administrative Law.
ARE THERE ANY OTHER KIND? Delusional Democrats.