Tuesday, September 15, 2020

THE GREAT AND POWERFUL Wizard of Oz Joe Biden.
ATTACKS ON TRUMP? You ain't seen nothing yet!
CALL THEM 'LUNATICS' INSTEAD. Stop calling leftists 'Liberals'.
IT'S SCIENCE! Governor Newsom orders all trees to wear masks to prevent spread of wildfires.
THOMAS SOWELL: "Activism is a way for useless people to feel important...."

Click on the link to read the rest; then skim through the comments.
[F]ar be it from me to stop the blue bubble-dwelling cultural elite from selecting “You dumb Jesus people don’t appreciate why pedophilia is no big deal” as their hill to die on. As long as they die on some hill I’m not too picky about which one, but if they want to choose the one that’s even going to creep out a lot of the Democrat Party’s voters, go for it.
Read it all.
DEREK HUNTER: So.Much.Stupid.

As long as there are Democrats there will never be a shortage of stupid.
"FROM K-12 TO HIGHER ED, America’s education system has been not merely ineffectual, but actively destructive. It’s time for a wholesale revamping. Or replacement."

Read the whole post, then follow the link. Related: More academic disgraces.
THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GET OUT OVER YOUR SKIS: Bob Woodward claims he did not realize Trump was referring to the U.S. when they discussed COVID-19 in interviews for book.

You crash -- often spectacularly.
HARVARD PROFESSOR claims states use ‘stand your ground laws’ to ‘outsource its violence.’

As if colleges and universities don't use BLM and Antifa to outsource theirs....
IF THEY HAVEN'T ALREADY, THEY SHOULD: Trump officials interfered with CDC reports on Covid-19.

Here's why, from my personal Wayback Machine:
The CDC site is nearly worthless. Mostly hype and nonsense; very little useful data. [March 14th]

Before going on to data analysis, let me suggest avoiding the CDC website unless you enjoy self-congratulatory pious posturing to show the peons how erudite the 'experts' are. Get rid of the goo and drivel and there's nothing left on the screen to read. [March 19th]

HERE'S A QUESTION that needs answering. With all the angst about coronavirus, I went to the preening popinjay (CDC) website for some statistics on seasonal flu.... [April 4th]
Note that all these observations were at the very onset of the coronavirus outbreak. The Trump administration, to its credit, is recognizing that the CDC is nothing more than a Deep State organization of pompous preening popinjays demanding to remain in power.
THE DAILY CALLER: Wildfires, land management, and 'climate change'.
THE DIPLOMAD finds a pretty good old-style war movie.

I'd rather see it in an 'old-style' movie theater, but ... COVID-19.
FAUCI SPILLS THE BEANS: A vaccine won’t end COVID-19 restrictions.

Of course not. In the Deep State it's all about control.
BABYLON BEE: Democrats reveal they have planted dynamite all around nation and will blow it up if Biden isn't elected.

I'd say "Please don't give them ideas" but it may already be too late....
Thank you, Michael Ramirez.
MORE AMMUNITION FOR THE CHARTER SCHOOL MOVEMENT: New York school under fire for cartoon comparing cops to KKK and slave owners.

Let parents decide where they want their kids to go to school and make the money follow.