Saturday, September 26, 2020

DAVID HOROWITZ: The civil war started when Democrats seceded from the Union in 2016.

RI-I-I-GHT: New York City outdoor dining will be 'permanent and year-round'.

Wait until the first blizzard....
I PREFER Trump's America.
COVID MANDATES are about power, not science.
NOT SURPRISED: In Michigan and Pennsylvania, the Democrats plan to cheat.

They'll cheat everywhere they can, but Michigan and Pennsylvania are prime targets.
BOTH AMUSING AND SAD. From the Los Angeles Times: Amy Coney Barrett is qualified for the Supreme Court — but should not be confirmed.

That's the amusing part; their twisting themselves into a malformed pretzel. The sad part is this (posted at the bottom of the article):
Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.
Our goal is to tell you what you should do and think -- without allowing you to respond.
NO, THEY'RE NOT FOLLOWING SCIENCE; they're following 'science'.
ABOUT THAT PEACEFUL TRANSFER-OF-POWER QUESTION: Here's how President Trump should have responded:
I plan to win. If I do lose, I will gracefully allow the transfer to go through as our Constitution has laid out. Something the Obama Administration and Hillary didn’t do. As for a draw – what are the Vegas odds on that happening?
I suspect that if he should lose (he won't), the Democrats will demand that 2016-2020 be canceled.
YOU CAN ALSO THANK BILL MAHER for assuring that Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court.

And a second term for President Trump....
THANK THE DEMOCRATS for the Barrett nomination to the Supreme Court.
ON THE SUPREME COURT NOMINATION: Just who is violating the 'norms' this time?

The 'Texas Reloaded' video is almost enough to make me miss Texas, but I'd rather Crenshaw was a Georgia congresscritter.

And all the more reason to let force states to let education money follow the child.
ITEM: Three trays of mail, including absentee ballots, found in Wisconsin ditch.

ITEM: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announces 134 felony voter fraud charges in connection with 2018 Democrat primary.

ITEM: Military ballots found in the trash in Pennsylvania—all were Trump votes.
No, nope, none.
THIS IS YOUR 'COMPASSIONATE' DEMOCRAT: "Michael Caputo, a spokesman at the Health and Human Services Department, recently announced a 60-day medical leave from his position. He was diagnosed with cancer last week following surgery. Caputo had been urged to get it checked out by a doctor on the Coronavirus Task Force who had noticed a lump on his throat.... Reports of his diagnosis did not go unnoticed by Nate McMurray, Democratic candidate for Congress in New York’s 27th District, Caputo’s home district."

This was McMurray's response:
"My pity is limited." — @Nate_McMurray on Michael Caputo's cancer diagnosis.

His campaign slogan is "Be Kind. Do Good."

— Matt Margolis 🇺🇸 (@mattmargolis) September 25, 2020
Read it all.
IS IT TIME for "a whiff of grapeshot?".

Personally, I think so. But I'm willing to go with an armed citizenry if necessary.
IS IT 5 O'CLOCK YET? Amy Coney Barrett holds press conference in Handmaid's Tale costume just to mess with liberals.

Yes, it is America's News of Record.
VICTORY GIRL KIM HIRSCH: Driving voters to join Team Trump.
DON SURBER: Trump supporters are having all the fun.
AMMO GRRRLL: Play it again, Nan. Sometimes reality just won't conform to expectations -- especially progressive expectations.
FIVE THINGS to know about Amy Coney Barrett. And be sure to check out the job listing.