Wednesday, February 08, 2012

TWO MORE SCIENTISTS jump the good ship ‘Global Warming’: “AGW theory functions best in a data free environment”.
KRAUTHAMMER: “I Commend Him [Gingrich] for The Sagacity and the Wisdom of his Choice of Authorities.”

OH, MY: I didn’t know chickens were anti-gay.
PLANNED PARENTHOOD V. KOMEN FOR THE CURE: it’s about the money. Not morality.
HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES tells religious believers to go to hell. The public notices.
CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE: It’s possible to sustain today’s level of federal spending and have a balanced budget.
All that Congress would have to do is raise the lowest income tax bracket of 10 percent to 25 percent and the middle tax bracket of 25 percent to 66 percent and raise the 35 percent tax bracket to 92 percent.

No problem.
YOU DON'T MAKE PEOPLE HAPPIER by taking their options away.
GENERAL ATOMICS Tests Second Predator-C Avenger UAV.

More here.
DID GINGRICH START SOMETHING? Moon draws growing interest as a potential source of rare minerals.
RANDOM OBSERVATIONS from the retirement lane. I now have to make up the bed first thing (after breakfast) in the morning.

Daisy will follow me around the house scratching at my leg until I make up the bed for her morning nap.
DRONES OVER U.S. is authorized by Congress. It’s interesting to read that the major concern is over privacy. I hope someone in thinking about the likelihood of using drones for terrorist attack. It’s doubtful that one can take down a tall building, but they sure as hell can punch holes in them.
WORDS ON PAPER guarantee nothing.
DOUBLING DOWN ON FAILURE: it’s the government way!
MISSOURI, MINNESOTA, AND COLORADO: “[T]he hard core conservative voters that did turn out to the polls don’t like Romney.”
AEROSPACE ENGINEERING: the Blended Wing Body aircraft.

The link is here.
HMM. TransCanada should sue to complete the Keystone XL pipeline. Why not? As candidate Mitt Romney correctly pointed out and the Supreme Court correctly affirmed, companies are people too.
WHERE ARE my ‘green’ subsidies?