Saturday, August 21, 2010


... isn’t it? The video is here.
MY FUTURE MAY BE UNCERTAIN, but whatever happens, I’ll plan to be in charge of my own destiny. I won’t be looking to a “lightbringer” or “messiah” or “The One” to solve my problems, fill up my gas tank, or stock my pantry. Despite what the Marxists at the highest echelons of government would like you to believe, hard work and resourcefulness — not reliance on government handouts paid for by other taxpayers — are the hallmarks of America’s success. Far be it from me to break from this hallowed tradition.
BINGO! Business success helps society more than philanthropy. Money quote: “Think about it for a moment: Can you point to a single charitable accomplishment that has been as transformative as, say, the cell phone or the birth-control pill? To the contrary, the literature on philanthropy is riddled with examples of failure ....”

Link from Instapundit.
REWRITING HISTORY: DNC pulls Big Choices (anti-Bush) ad from YouTube. Notice, though, that the video still shows on the banner touting other videos.

From the comments: “Thats what I like about the intertubes. You can easily correct an error and no one ever knows!” Except that they can’t.

My post is (er, was) here.
UNCOMMON KNOWLEDGE interviews Dr. Thomas Sowell. It’s long (36:33) but worth every second. Some highlights:
Many of the great disasters of our time have been committed by “experts.” (00:55)

Engineers and scientists are not intellectuals (thank God!); they’re productive. (01:35)

The statistics that the intelligensia keep citing are much more consistent with their vision of America than the statistics they keep ignoring. (07:35)

One can become President with no contact with economic reality. (18:30)

[On gun control] In Britian, they have made burglary a safe occupation. It’s like OSHA for burglars. (23:00)

[What would you say to Obama’s Cabinet?] I would only one word, “goodbye,” because I know that there’s no point talking to them. (35:35)
His book is Intellectuals and Society.