Saturday, August 26, 2017

THIS IS ESPN: Radio host arrested after wandering, drunk and naked, into a stranger's home.

But it's okay; he's a Social Justice Warrior....
SEEN ON THE INSTRUCTION CARD: "Don't try to replace the chainsaw chain with the motor running."

Or under a helicopter full of angry porcupines....

Aunt Nanny run amuck.
WHERE ARE those layers and layers of fact-checkers when you need them?
YES. Yes, you are:

From PowerLine's Week in Pictures last week. Many more here.
RANDOM THOUGHT: Future self-driving vehicles must be able to identify Darwin Award candidates - and kill them.

That's not a silly statement - any 'smart car' must be able to sacrifice itself to save its passengers, but do you really want your car to sacrifice you to save a potential Darwin awardee?
THE ‘PEPPER BALLS’ GUY has been arrested.

Best comment: "He fell out of the 'stupid tree' and hit every branch on the way down."

You almost have to admire his stupidity. He goes to the emergency room, oblivious to the fact that his injury will almost certainly be reported to the police, then posts about his 'adventure' on social media. Now he's about to find out that being a progressive is not necessarily a 'get out of jail free' card.

As Bugs Bunny used to say, "What a maroon."
THE NEW YORK TIMES OFFERS MORE PROOF that Millennials are still children in need of adult supervision.

Too bad they chose the wrong adult(s).