Wednesday, October 04, 2017

BLACK LIVES 'MATTER': Everything is white supremacy.
FIRST YOU'D HAVE TO REMOVE THE CONCRETE: If only Thomas Friedman had a brain.
HILLARY CLINTON: ‘put politics aside’ and blame NRA for mass shooting.

I wish she'd shut up, but there is a bright side: the more she talks, the better is is for the Republican party.
TRUMP TO MEDIA ON HURRICANE MARIA: Eat crow; here's a recipe.

Linked from PowerLine.
THE LEFT ON GUN CONTROL: "It’s as if they’re incoherent, stupid, and power-hungry or something."

Yes. Yes, they are. All of the above, and more.
HO-HUM: Just another PC college idiocy.
TWITTER'S DARK HEART -- dismissing 58 lives in 140 characters and blind partisanship.

It's not Twitter's dark heart; it's the dark hearts of the twits who use it.