Tuesday, February 28, 2017

LEADERSHIP: It's whitey's fault. Still?
ABANDONED PETS: another indictment of the progressive Left's environmental snobs slobs.
PUNCHING BACK: Women with guns are the next threat to the Democrat Party.
FOR ONCE, THE GLOBAL WARMERS ARE RIGHT: Global warming did shut down the ski industry; there is too much snow to ski.
NANCY PELOSI: Syrians are for the little people.

TRUER WORDS were never spoken.
TRANS-BLACK WOMAN is now poor, jobless, and soon to be homeless.

So is she still entitled to her 'white privilege' card?
"TRUMP DOESN'T HAVE TO DESTROY THE MEDIA BRAND. They're doing just fine by themselves."
'ETHICIST' PETER SINGER thinks the intellectually disabled are worth less than pigs. I think pigs could easily challenge Peter Singer's ethical and intellectual capability. And they're cleaner.