Thursday, April 23, 2020

DEMOCRAT LAWMAKERS eye 'opportunity' for historic expansion of government amid coronavirus crisis.

They're gonna need another money tree -- or three. Maroons all.
NOPE. NOT GONNA DO IT: State and local governments expecting layoffs amid push for federal assistance.

Take Gov. Cuomo's advice: get an essential job.
ALARMING REPORT: Americans can't go much longer without jobs and haircuts before becoming hippies.

Yes, it's the Babylon Bee.
ON THE BRIGHT SIDE: Emergency debt will kill Liberal policy dreams.
RANDOM THOUGHT: There will be no respect for governing class authority until there is a governing class authority worthy of respect.
ANOTHER 'NEWS' ANCHOR self-immolates.
CHRIS CUOMO fakes emerging from basement after virus recovery.

Gets caught, laughed at. (What a maroon!)
JOE BIDEN HAS A 'WHITENESS' PROBLEM: The 'woke' Left can't virtue signal with him as the nominee.

Here's today's update, still using the Covid Tracking website for primary information. I'm still tracking the Coronavirus Dashboard as well, and the two sites seem to be in sync, except the Coronavirus Dashboard deaths are still high, a result - as I've had a chance to look at details of both sets - of New York's arbitrary inclusion of 3,700 additional deaths attributed to coronavirus on March 14th.

Note the scale changes from yesterday and the addition of the 'Projected Cumulative' curve from the data projections. The daily death toll has clearly peaked and is trending down although the variability from day-to-day surely makes the trend line suspect. The cumulative curve is clearly flattening and should peak right at the 50,000 deaths mark (note that the trend curve clearly can't come downward - there's only one known case of someone coming back to life....), well below the cumulative projection.

Eighty-six percent of Americans remain uninfected, if not unexposed.

Never forget.
MORE "IT'S OVER": President Trump pushed back against CDC diredtor's warning about a coronavirus second wave.
EVEN THE IDIOTS ARE BACKING DOWN: California starts relaxing coronavirus restrictions by letting hospitals resume scheduled surgeries.

It's over.
MICHAEL RAMIREZ on the death of small business.
TWO AMERICAS: one with paychecks, one without.

The video is here. I should also note that it's on Fox (who conducted the interview) as well but their video player doesn't work on my computer.

The pity is that the ones with paychecks are the ones who should be doing without.
FROM AMERICA'S NEWS OF RECORD: Nation totally in favor of Ocasio-Cortez permanently boycotting her job.
HARVARD SHOWS ITSELF to be grotesquely greedy and hostile to parents and faith.

Well, they're still hostile to parenting but President Trump forced them to back down on greed.
THAT'LL MAKE HIM POPULAR: Get an essential job, you bums.

According to Gov. Cuomo (and the Left more generally), the only essential jobs are the ones that assure they stay in power control.
YES, PLEASE: Stacey Abrams is trying to box Joe Biden in to picking her as his running mate by playing the social justice card.

Democrats, do everything you can to ensure Republican victories everywhere in 2020.
AND SPEAKING OF NITWITS: How can you boycott work when you have no job?
EVEN A HALFWIT CAN OUTWIT A NITWIT: Why President Trump will always outwit Nancy Pelosi.

And Trump's no halfwit. He's taken full measure of her nitwittery and will keep her dancing to his tune....